Parent Responsibilities
Parents are responsible to adhere to the policies and procedures of Academy of Knowledge as outlined in the handbook.

We encourage parental involvement and ask for open lines of communication.
Parents are responsible for notifying Academy of Knowledge immediately should any information collected at the time of enrollment or anytime thereafter change.
Upon arrival at Academy of Knowledge the parent or the adult dropping the child off must sign the child in on the computer in the lobby. Children are required to be escorted by their parent or the adult dropping them off to their designated classroom.
The Academy of Knowledge believes that preparing a child for school is very important part of their development, therefore parents are discouraged from sneaking out of the center without saying good bye to their child. Some children may have separation anxiety but the parent should reassure the child and then depart. The longer the parent stays the longer it will take for the anxious child to calm down. Children with anxiety will be comforted by the staff during the departure of the parent.
All children should be dressed for the day’s activities when they arrive. The Academy of Knowledge requires a complete change of clothes to be kept in case of spills or accidents and all items should be labeled. Parents should make sure that their child has a change of clothing that's seasonal for the weather. The Academy of Knowledge is not responsible for lost or damaged items of clothing.
The Academy of Knowledge requires all children to wear closed toe shoes. Sandals with toes out, sandals with heels out, and flip flops are not permitted.
Infant parents should bring in bottles, pampers, wipes and also a small blanket.
The Academy of Knowledge will give medication to children with a doctor’s signed note. Any over the counter medication must have a medical form filled out on file. (See Director for more information)
Individual mats will be provided for Nap Time. The Academy of Knowledge asks that parents provide a small blanket for their child that can be kept at the center.
Parents are allowed to bring in cake. cupcakes, or other special treats to the center for their child on their special birthday.
Tuition is weekly and should be paid the Friday before the next week or on Monday of the week.
Tuition not received by 6:00pm on Wednesday is considered past due. All payments received after this time will result in an additional $40.00 late fee.
There are no credits given for scheduled school holidays, child illness, or closing due to emergency situations, inclement weather or acts of God.
Non-payment of tuition is grounds for immediate dismissal from the center. Timely payments are essential for continued enrollment at Academy of Knowledge; however if you anticipate difficulty with paying on time, please discuss the matter with the Director.