At our West Ashley preschool facilites in Charleston SC, we welcome children ages 6 weeks through 4 years of age. Full-time enrollment is available. Please contact us today to inquire about openings.
Enrollment shall be granted without regard to a child's race, color, creed, religion, natural origin. gender, or disability, and without regards to a parent or guardian's race, color, creed, religion, age, natural origin, gender or disability.
Parents can apply for enrollment by completing the enrollment application and paying the $150.00 registration fee.
The application fee is non-refundable.
Initial enrollment is contingent upon receipt of the completed enrollment application, including the signed fee agreement and signed enrollment application along with the immunization records.
The enrollment application and fee application are not meant to serve as contracts guaranteeing services for any duration. Payments, as agreed, holds your spot not payment for attendance.